

The analyze module runs independently. It will, using the audits as defined in audits.d directory, analyze the collections table to find out which hosts passed or failed the audits. Then it stores the results in the audits_by_host table. It assigns a unique audit result id, the id numbers for the host and audit, the timestamps associated with this result, which bucket this result is in the result & optionally the result text.

These audit results power the dashboard that is used by jellyfish and are the expected way to interact and process data within the Jellyfish system.


Audits are stored in the jellyfishaudits project. There you'll find some documentation on the content and structure of documentation that's available to you.

Analyze Architecture

Analyze Code Architecture

The general idea of analyze is quite simple. The process :

  1. Grabs a lists of hosts
  2. Uses generic_large_compare to find out which hosts are in which bucket
  3. For Each Bucket:
    • Uses either generic_large_compare or subtype_large_compare to compute passing or failing scores.
    • Uses generic_large_analysis_store to store results in audits_by_host table in the database.

Generic Large Analysis Store

This module is a big part of the reason that autocommits were turned off. By batching up all the inserts/updates together we avoid an row locking race condition on the database.

Future State

This is a candidate for creating a lambda esque method of generating this data. Because of the nature of lambda you could simplify this code to check one host against one audit where every check will see which (or if) bucket it falls into and then flood your DB using lambda execution limits to make sure you dont' hammer your database.